My Time is Near
It is Monday at the Hospital,
My Hands are Tied Down...
My Left Eye is Swollen Shut-
It is my Son...So I Yelp!
Give Me Liberty or
Give Me Death...
Damn Damn Damn
Help Help Help
It is Tuesday at the Hospital,
Doc says Swollen Head is Shingles-
Left Lower Lobe is Pneumonia...
Now Wednesday..I Just want a Million Bucks!
Thursday after joking...I'm eating well,
No One Comes to See Me Today...
I Slip into Depression...Pain,
Just stop the Pain, Oh Shucks!
Friday, I'll Play Possum and Keep Still-
He's Unresponsive Doc tells Nurse,
Order a Test, Possible Stroke...
All Day, Lay Still, Don't Eat or Drink!
Son Arrives, Says Hi DAD,
I Open my One Eye, Say Hi...
Nurse Runs Right In-Surprised-
For All Day, Not One Blink!
I Tell My Son "I will Die a Horrible Death",
But Why He Asks, Why Dad?
'Cause I Won't Eat or Drink-
I So Just Want to Die!
It is Saturday, I'm Better Now You See-
Since I Have Memory Loss, I'm Eating Now...
Today I'm Just as Happy as Can Be,
Just Forgot I Wanted to Die-I Did Not Lie!
Someday Soon, I Know I Will Pass On...
I Just Wish it Did Not Take so Long-
My Life is Wasting Ever so Slowly Away,
And I'm Powerless to Help Death Come Along!
* Near the end of his life, David had moments of REALITY...in the hospital they took away all of his drugs to calm him from hallucinations of late stage Alzheimers. He so hated being strapped down and wasting away. He did not last long after this last hospital visit and joined his wife of nearly 60 years. Rich had wanted a feeding tube to give him strength to battle the Shingles and Pneumonia, Barb agreed with me (the POA) that it would not be his wishes to prolong any passing. It was a very emotional day at the hospital for both siblings as they followed their Father's wishes to be allowed to die "a horrible death", one of refusing food. But so like the GREENE Men, his strength and fight to fend off disease prevailed and he returned to the Memory Care Center to await Death another Day!