(Christ on Bended Knees)
On Vacation three weeks We were,
Still work Needed to be Done-
Mom on the computer, Dad hurried Her…
Grandma and the Kids just along for Fun.
Bills can’t Wait, She was the Dutiful one,
And most the Morning it did Take-
Dad impatient, saying hurry Hon…
Agitated exasperated Wife, HE did Make.
Oh, Grandma sure did see it Coming,
Foolish Son, He might just ruin the day-
Wife beaten down, too late for Calming…
Distraught, She left, bills HE can Pay!
Hurt and offended, She finally Withdrew,
Accepting of his Folly, asked Her Pardon-
Grandma waited and waited, She knew…
He’d gone too far, Repent now Son!
Humiliated and Embarrassed She might be,
How would He Mend and Comfort,
Senseless, Would forgiveness set Him free…
Undertanding, Lovingly, He shows support.
Finally, with Humor, He Came,
She Serene, Graceful and at Ease-
Esteemed-Glowing with Love, No Shame…
As He followed Her, On Bended Knees!