Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I Swam toward that tree...
Weightless makes me feel free,
When I'm traveling Earth Life-
My path straight, Less Strife.

I thought when Celestial-
That Tree will be Plentiful,
Then I glanced all Around...
Same Tree did Abound.

I Truly Want to Always Live
With God's Goodness to Give,
Just know- HE really does Care...
Just look-Tree of Life Everywhere.



Please come out-
My loneliness I shout,
Tonight you Are...
Out of My Sight!

When Darkness prevails-
Like no Wind for my Sails,
Makes Me Feel Blue...
As I Wait for You NEW.

My Heart has a Place-
When the Moon is Bright,
Swells the Smile on my Face...
Please Come Out Tonight.

The Stars just not as Bright-
Patiently waiting awhile...
The Sky needs your Light,
Gives our World such Style!

Now Your Circle is Full-
Waining away again Soon,
My Heartstrings you Pull...
Romancing the Moon.

(How I love to watch the Moon in Maricopa....I miss it when the earth's rotation is such...that I can not enjoy it. I always watch the Moon dates, November 9th it is FULL again!)




BY: Grandma Ada Smith (Grandpa Harry's Mother's Mom)

Alone NO! How can I be alone when God is here and all? How can I miss the sound of loving voices when the voice of Truth and Love rings in my ear? How can there be empty rooms when my Father Mother God occupies all space and says how I am with you always. How can I long for the touch of loving hands, when the everlasting arms are round about me. Alone, why do I seem alone? What lesson must I learn? Do I love those dear ones too well and constantly for them yearn? If so, is that why I must learn that there are no empty rooms when God is everywhere. My dear ones too must go on and learn their lessons of love and some day we shall all sit down together with our Heavenly Father above.



The outdoor pool is cold-

They voted not to heat.

Swim indoors...I'm told,

Where the birds don't sing.

When all goes wrong...

The rules they change.

Murmur all day long,

Be angry, mad or sad.

Or find another way-

Be of good cheer.

Maybe just obey...

Adapt then find Joy.

Give it some thought-

Don't go and hide.

For me...Wetsuit I got,

Kept Swimming Outside.

Keep yourself positive-

Wow...Ideas will Ring.

You won't have to live,

Where the Birds Don't Sing.


When Swimming this Morning-

I Noticed a Suffering Bee...

Each Lap I Just Kept Avoiding,

To Avoid Its Sting you see.

Suddenly my Thoughts so Foreign-

What About that BEE?

Maybe I Should Save HIM...

I Need to Set Him Free!

I Swam in Near This Friend-

With Hands Cupping the Water...

Soon His Watery Grave Would End,

Up and Out...Swoosh...Better.

I Wondered What the Bee Thought?

Was He Grateful...Did He Know?

Rationalize Would He, Just Lucky My Lot,

Or Could It Have Been My Human Foe.

Often Like Our Blessings-

Christ Was Sent to be Our Savior...

Are We Grateful or Unaccepting,

Just Chance or Luck, Maybe More!

I Saved a Bee Today-

The Bee Didn't Understand...

Jesus Saves Us Each Day,

It's Heavenly Father's Plan.

DINY October 2009

(While Swimming in Province Pool)

(Then it became habit, saved another bee, then another bug, and again and again!)