There is a right way
to Prune...
My Large Leaf Hedge!
Slow, one branch
at a time.
I took the weed wacker
to my hedge...
Whirling, Whirling-
Death Defying...
Hedge Survived.
Every leaf sent out alerts,
brown encircled each edge...
Protection to the inner self-
The whole plant cried,
Hurt said Hedge.
Once left alone to heal,
the hedge could shed-
the dead brown circle
of protection and live...
Recover from destruction.
Green again and healthy,
Sun shines down
from Heaven...
Scarred, but strong-
Each leaf Smiles.
by Diny
Above Pic: Side yard lst year Hibiscus grew out of control, beautiful but took over, planted in back of property and never saw the beauty again, large pink flowers were beautiful. Not the hedge talked about...this head was 20 year growth in our backyard that the neighbor eventually bulldozed.
Sunday 7/10/05 notes: As I sat on my patio looking at the Hedge beyond the white fence that had grown so tall over the last 20 years, my thoughts wandered. I had earlier damaged the hedge as I trimmed it back. The outer edges were now dropping off the damaged leaves and soon the plant would be green and healthy again. You would never notice that the portion I had injured nearly died. I pondered my own life, I felt that I had been weed wacked over many years and had a protection shell around my soul... of course it had died (like the ridge of the leaf) ...as I retire and remove stress (heavey stress) from my life... I feel like the leaf...shedding the dead outer edge and now I can be healthy again, but changed. Like the leaf...I'm not perfectly round anymore, but have battle scars to show the wear and tear. I will not recover to be totally whole again, but have irregular edges, to remind me of the past, a permanent reminder to protect myself from those that might take a weed wacker to my soul and weakened now... I may not recover the next time. Time to slow my pace forever and prune properly.
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