What is Real?
Am I just imagining….
Heavenly views of peace and paradise,
Laying on my back floating-
Palm tree leaves are swaying…
Birds are singing sweetly,
The sun is setting-
A new moon is smiling down…
Jets leave their trail of fairy dust,
Maricopa, a sleepy little town-
Am I just imagining….
Heavenly views of peace and paradise,
Laying on my back floating-
Palm tree leaves are swaying…
Birds are singing sweetly,
The sun is setting-
A new moon is smiling down…
Jets leave their trail of fairy dust,
Maricopa, a sleepy little town-
The sky hazy now pales…
Fairy dust becomes hot pink,
X marks the spot of two jet trails-
The hills beyond the town
Just became black shadows…
‘Cause the sun went down-
My moon became brighter…
And just a few stars twinkle Hi,
Palms still wave, Birds chatter-
Carefree I’m beginning to feel…
The big sky is now dark,
I ponder – What is Real?
Our world- just us- our place…
Insignificant and so small,
Can we comprehend outer space?
Ducks floating on the ponds…
Our universe unveiled,
Consider all the galaxies beyond!
Darker, a million stars appear…
The world soon sleeps,
Quiet now, why do we fear?
In only one hour much contrast shown…
Sky constantly changing, just like our life,
Yes, Light in our darkness known-
All trials can be a positive deal…
Beauty and purpose in everything,
Happy Day - Love of Life, that is Real!
Fairy dust becomes hot pink,
X marks the spot of two jet trails-
The hills beyond the town
Just became black shadows…
‘Cause the sun went down-
My moon became brighter…
And just a few stars twinkle Hi,
Palms still wave, Birds chatter-
Carefree I’m beginning to feel…
The big sky is now dark,
I ponder – What is Real?
Our world- just us- our place…
Insignificant and so small,
Can we comprehend outer space?
Ducks floating on the ponds…
Our universe unveiled,
Consider all the galaxies beyond!
Darker, a million stars appear…
The world soon sleeps,
Quiet now, why do we fear?
In only one hour much contrast shown…
Sky constantly changing, just like our life,
Yes, Light in our darkness known-
All trials can be a positive deal…
Beauty and purpose in everything,
Happy Day - Love of Life, that is Real!
You are so talented! I love your imagery. Keep them coming!
I LOVE that!!! And yes, all trials can be a positive deal... I always feel like I need to "find the lesson" in each trial:) Good stuff!
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